What Height Should A Speed Bag Be?

Speed bags have been growing in popularity even outside of boxing and MMA gyms for some time now. The list of benefits is pretty impressive. As with most exercises, there’s a right way and a wrong way to hit your speed bag, and it all starts with your setup.

One of the most important variables is your speed bag’s height. Having the bag hanging too low or high will not help you improve your technique, and may lead to injury.

So, how high should your speed bag be hung?

The speed bag should hang level with the top half of your face. The bottom of the bag should be at eye/nose height. This will allow the correct form to be used to strike the bag, and you’ll be working inside of the most ergonomic plane of motion. Although some people prefer the motion of hitting a slightly higher bag, don’t go more than 3-4″ higher or you increase strain on your shoulders. Any lower and you risk hitting the board, which will lead to injured hands. So imagine you are a boxer facing off with someone else in your weight class, and hang the bag at or slightly above nose height.

So now you know how high the speed bag should be hung, let’s take a look at the reasons why.

Why Is Speed Bag Height Important?

The speed bag is a tremendous workout and will help you improve your balance, agility, speed and coordination, all while burning calories and giving your muscles a good pump. 

However, you want to get the maximum benefit, and get as good at hitting the speed bag as you possibly can. For this you need to optimize your setup and have the bag at the appropriate height for you.

To be able to strike the bag with force, speed, and accuracy, you need it in the right target area. The speed bag is designed to imitate an opponent (that doesn’t hit back), so the bag should hang right inside of your target striking area. If you are hitting within your power zone, you will get a better pump, throw more accurate punches, and get a generally better workout.

Hitting A Speed Bag Isn’t Easy So Start Out Right.

Like so many things, the speed bag takes a few minutes to learn, but years to master. You will be well served to take the time to set it up correctly so you can learn the correct technique and not gain any bad habits with your form.

Setting the bag up at the correct height will set you up for future development and continuing improvement in your speed bag training and therefore your speed, accuracy and rhythm.

The Speed Bag Needs To Be Face Height.

If you are standing toe-to-toe with an opponent of similar size, his face would be where you want the speed bag. You should be able to punch straight forward and hit his face, not up, and certainly not down.

“But I only fight tall guys…” you may say! Well, if this is the case, you may raise it a little, but you should stop being so aggressive!

The punches should be thrown outward, parallel to the floor. Not in an arc or upward or downward fashion. If you are sure not to overlook this aspect of speed bag training, you will help maximize your efficiency, and your results.

Is It Simple To Adjust The Speed Bag Height?

Many speed bag kits come with an adjustable wall mount that can slide up and down, making adjustment easy. Simply loosen the bolts, slide to the correct height, and tighten.

Others may not be adjustable. Homemade apparatus may also not be adjustable, such as when you purchase a bag and swivel and attach it to a fixed board on a low ceiling or rafters. With these options you will need to size up exactly where you need the bag and place it accordingly.

In Summary:

If the speed bag is not fixed at the correct height, your technique will suffer and you run an increased chance of injury. Having the bag at eye height will make for an efficient striking motion and an effective workout.

The speed bag is a useful tool to lose fat, gain muscle, and get a great cardio workout. This is all dependent upon building up a good speed and technique on the speed bag, so hanging it at the correct height from day one is of utmost importance to your long term success. Set up your equipment properly in the beginning so you can get the most out of your speed bag workouts.

Related Questions:

Can You Do Cardio With A Speed Bag?

The speed bag has a huge list of benefits, including that it’s a great form of cardio. One of the few upper-body dominant exercises that you can get a good cardio workout from. You can certainly train hard enough with the speed bag to get your heart rate above 75% of your max, making is a true cardio workout. Maintaining your pace and keeping rest periods between sets as short as possible, you can get a tremendous cardio workout with your speed bag. For more information, read this.

Can You Lose Fat With A Speed Bag?

With the right intensity, speed bag training also keeps your heart rate elevated for the duration of the workout and also for some time afterwards. The high rate at which calories are burned during training makes it a respectable option for a fat burning endeavor. Speed bag training can also lead to some muscle gain which will also have a favorable effect on your ability to burn fat. Like most forms of cardio, speed bag training can be performed at varied levels of intensity to help reach your fat loss or fitness goals. If you train hard on the speed bag, and eat at a caloric deficit, you will lose fat. For a more complete look at this topic, read here.

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