Is One Set Of Pushups Every Morning All I Need?

Many people struggle with working out consistently. They will sporadically do a minimal workout, but will not have the consistency to see improvements in their physique/appearance. I would say that minimal workouts are okay as long as the frequency is high. That is to say small workouts are fine but you need to do them more often. Push-ups are a simple exercise that work many muscle groups and nearly anybody can perform, and even a single set can provide some benefit to your body when done regularly. So, is just one set of push-ups every morning all you need?

A single set of push-ups every morning is not a perfect, complete workout, but will certainly lead to improvements over time to your chest, shoulders, arms, back and core. It is important not to do a fixed number of push-ups, as this may leave some ‘in the tank’. Instead, perform one set of as many push-ups as you can in one go every morning. This amount will vary from day to day, since some days you are stronger than others, but even if it’s 25 push ups one day, and only 10 or 12 the next, some is always better than none, and the consistency will pay off. A single set to failure should not cause much in the way of soreness so your muscles will have repaired themselves by the next day allowing this to become a daily routine.

Why should you do these pushups in the morning? Is that really all you need? Let’s continue.

Do I Need To Do My Pushups In The Morning?

Doing your push-ups first thing in the morning will jumpstart your mind and your metabolism – setting you up to burn more calories throughout the morning. Your self confidence may also rise as you will have a pump every day while you are getting dressed!

When you do even this modest amount of exercise first thing in the morning it will add to a sense of accomplishment and provide a mental boost by reaffirming that you have already followed through on a commitment to yourself to get some exercise done each and every day.

Will I Get Sore From Doing One Set Of Pushups Daily?

One set of pushups would be considered very low volume and will mean that you’ll probably experience little to no soreness, but instead will enjoy a slight feeling of tightness and readiness every day. If you haven’t worked out in a long time or are totally sedentary, you may get a little sore the first few days but your body will quickly adjust to it. 

Remember to get a checkup with your doctor before starting any new exercise program to make sure you are healthy enough to workout.

If you want to increase the intensity and make each pushup count a little more, try using push-up bars. These handles will increase the range of motion and allow for a more natural hand placement. These will also reduce the strain on your wrists, since your wrist will be straight instead of at 90 degrees like when doing palms-to-the-floor, regular pushups.

What Are The Benefits Of One Set Of Pushups Each Morning?

The physical benefits of doing one set of pushups each and every morning will be stronger arms, chest, back, shoulders and core. Pushups are especially good for developing your chest and triceps, but many other muscles are involved to a lesser degree in assisting and stabilizing these prime mover muscle groups. As I mentioned previously, any type of exercise that you do first thing in the morning on an empty stomach will rev up your body’s processes and allow you to burn calories at a faster rate than if you just rolled out of bed and went about your daily tasks.

Psychologically, the benefits of building this healthy habit of a single set of pushups to failure when you wake up are numerous. You’ll feel more confident and more dependable if you do this one short task each morning. Knowing that you’re the type of person that follows through on achieving your goals will build you up into a stronger overall person.

Cranking out a set of pushups every morning is not a difficult task, but it is always going to be very tempting to skip it. There will be days that you don’t feel like doing your pushups, and you’ll have to force yourself to do them. It’ll take less than a minute, so there’s really no logical excuse to skip it – even if you’re running late. Building this healthy habit will make you into a person with stronger mental fortitude.

What Else Should I Do Besides Pushups Every Morning?

Pushups are very effective for building and strengthening your upper body, but you’ll need to exercise your legs and back too. Doing some squats, pullups, and an ab exercise are also important, so feel free to add a set of one or all of these to your morning routine too. If you are really short on time, or don’t have the motivation to do all of these exercises in the morning, you can do them later in the day – but be sure to do your pushups first thing upon rising from bed. 

Try adding a set of crunches, or your ab exercise of choice, right after your pushups. Then do a set of pullups (you’ll need a pull-up bar) and squats later on. I find the best time to do pull-ups is right before dinner. Pull-ups are much harder than push-ups and will likely cause more muscle soreness, so you’ll probably not want to do these every day. A set of pullups 2-3 times a week, or every other day, will be a great start to a strong back and biceps.

Bodyweight squats are good to do daily, try one set of as many as you can do right before you get in the shower. I find this to be the best time for me to do them. Again, this will build a good habit if you get to the point where you associate the shower with your squats. Don’t allow yourself to get in there until you’ve done them – if you really must, you can do squats in the shower!

It is important to track your progress with other metrics besides just weight and what you look like in the mirror. The scales will not tell the full story of what’s going on with your body composition. I highly recommend you track your body fat using a body fat monitor, and use a retractable tape measure to keep track of the size of your waist, hips, arms, and legs. This will give you a more complete picture of your progress.

What Is The Minimum Workout Routine To Build Muscle (And Tone Up)?

Exercises like pushups, pullups, bodyweight squats, and a basic abdominal exercise like sit-ups are really all you need to build a quality physique and reap the health benefits of working out and staying lean…

How Many Squats A Day Will Make A Difference?

While nearly any number of squats will make some difference, the higher the number you do, the greater the results. This carries true until you get to really high rep numbers, i.e. over 200 squats. If you are out of shape, even 10-20 squats per day will have a significant impact on the strength of your legs, back, and on your energy levels. It is difficult to overtrain with bodyweight squats, so do plenty of them. 100+ squats a day is a great level to be at. If you want more muscular legs, try to work your way up to at least 50 per day…

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