Cardio Twice (Or More) A Day: How To Do It And Why

If you are looking to lose weight and generally get better fitness results in general, you will probably already know that it takes a combination of healthy eating and exercise to get there. In terms of exercise, cardio is known to be very effective due to the amount of calories it burns. 

Many people looking to drop pounds quickly do cardio twice a day, or even more! This might sound crazy to you but it’s very possible if you set aside that time and commit to it – when you have a plan in place.

Other than your diet, cardio is the single biggest factor in weight loss that is under your control. If you want to lose weight as quickly as possible, the more cardio the better (within reason). So doing it twice a day can really speed things up for weight loss, or just to keep yourself in the best possible shape. Try a morning run and an afternoon swim. Or going for a 15-20 minute walk, three times a day. By exercising at different times throughout the day, you will really keep your metabolism revved up and burning maximum calories all day long.

Let’s take a look at this in more detail, including how to do it and why.

Will doing cardio twice a day get faster results?

Doing cardio twice a day should get results faster than doing cardio once a day but this does depend on a couple of factors like how long you are working out for at any one time. Obviously, the more cardio you do, the more calories you will burn which will in turn help you get faster results. This is simple science and something that you should definitely think about if you want to lose weight pretty quickly. 

Think about it this way – if you want to do an intense half an hour of cardio a day, you can break this up into two 15-minute sessions or do it all together. This should burn, approximately the same amount of calories because you are working out for the same amount of time. If you do 30 minutes in the morning however and then decide to do another 30 minutes of exercise later in the day, this is double the amount of calories you are burning, which will help you get to your goal quicker. If you do double the exercise, realistically you may not get to your goals in half the time, but it’ll certainly speed things up. 

As we all know, you usually get out equal to what you put in and that applies to most things. Unless you are just lucky and have great genetics and never put on fat, this applies to weight loss and cardio. But if this were the case you probably wouldn’t be reading this. So, if you are really serious about losing weight, it isn’t just going to happen, you need to put 100% effort into it. 

How should I split up my cardio workouts?

You can split up your cardio workouts however you want to. It is always best to work out when you feel the most motivated to do cardio because we are all different and feel our best at various times of the day. Although if you are going to do two lots of cardio a day, it might be best to start off in the morning where possible. Cardio first thing in the morning can be highly beneficial. This will be a great wake up call for you and will actually give you energy for the rest of the day. 

If you plan to get one or even two more workouts in during your day after your morning one, split them up however works best for you. It is recommended to have a schedule because then you will be more likely to stick to your new exercise program. You could have a session in the afternoon, in the evening or both. It depends when you feel the most motivated to get your blood pumping. If you are serious about doing at least two cardio workouts every day, you might need to make some sacrifices in certain areas. This might involve waking up earlier, going to bed later or missing your favorite show on Netflix from time to time!

A great way to get in multiple cardio sessions is to walk or bike to and from work/class, and maybe squeeze another walk or ride into your lunch hour. 3 x 20 min sessions will be great plan to break it up.

Should I Do The Same Type Of Cardio?

It is recommended that you do different types of cardio during the two (or more) times that you workout during the day. This is for a couple of valid reasons. If you keep changing up what you are doing, you are working different muscles in your body. When you do the same things every day, there is a point where your body can hit a plateau, which leads to your results slowing down.

Doing different types of cardio will burn more calories and it will also help you tone your body in a number of different areas, in addition to weight loss. If you do different types of cardio as often as possible, this will also make it more interesting for you which means that you are going to keep those motivation levels high. If you are stuck for types of cardio to do, take a look at some ideas below.

Running – Going for a run is an effective way to burn heaps of calories, plus there are many other health benefits to this type of exercise. Many people enjoy a run outdoors in the morning. or early evening to let off some steam If you don’t see yourself as a runner but it’s something you want to try, you can always work yourself up to this level by training and improving your stamina every time you work out. Self conscious about running outside? You can also do it on a treadmill at the gym or at home.

The Gym – Speaking of the gym, it might be worth joining a gym purely to take advantage of the different cardio machines that they have. You can use the rowing machine, the step machine, the elliptical machine, the treadmill and more. 

Speed Bag – Hitting a speed bag is a fun way to get your exercise in while improving things like speed, accuracy, and rhythm, and toning your arms. If your local gym doesn’t have one, get your own. The bag and platform are not expensive and will fit neatly into the corner of your garage/basement. While a good indoor workout, the noise, while quite satisfying, is definitely loud!

Heavy Bag – Get stronger and leaner on a heavy bag. These provide an excellent, full-body workout that will really get your heart going and will also train you to be a better striker. Also an inexpensive piece of equipment. Most gyms will have these, but remember to get your own gloves so you’re not stuck using the “community pair” sitting on the gym floor next to the bag! Start out easy and learn the correct form, then gradually build up intensity.

Brisk walk – If you don’t feel like doing anything too strenuous or sweat-producing, but still want to burn some calories, a brisk walk around your neighbourhood can be a very effective method of cardio. If you are prone to travelling everywhere by car or public transport, try walking instead. You will also be doing your bit for the environment too. Anything that gets your heart beating faster burns calories and boosts your metabolism so no type of cardio is a waste of time.

Swimming – For those who enjoy a dip, swimming is a cardio workout that is highly effective, easy on the joints, and pretty fun too. If you can fit an hour or even thirty minutes of swimming in every day or every other day you are going to see big results in terms of weight loss and even building lean muscle before very long at all. Your local pool might even have water aerobic classes and these can be fun too!

Dancing – Dancing is fun and often doesn’t even feel like cardio but it does burn a lot of calories. Whether you are dancing professionally or just at home, it all makes a difference. Why not throw on some of your favorite tunes and dance around while cleaning your home? You are killing two birds with one stone with this one!

Fitness class – Some people are more motivated to workout when they are doing it with other people. Look for fitness classes in your area, maybe at your local gym or community centre. This could be anything from yoga to zumba or even kickboxing! You are held much more accountable when you are exercising with others and it makes it a more fun activity to do also.

Workout videos – There are SO many free resources online allowing you to work out in the comfort of your own home, many of these workout videos require no equipment at all. Look for videos on YouTube and there are a whole bunch of exercises you can discover and join in with. HIIT (high intensity interval training). This involves doing certain low-intensity exercises for a short amount of time and higher-intensity exercises for a slightly longer period of time. HIIT is never boring because there are so many different moves that you could be doing. Look for some of these workouts online if you are interested in getting started, many of them are just 30 minutes and even shorter.

Upper Body Dominant vs Lower Body Dominant Cardio

There are some types of cardio out there which work different areas of your body and you need to consider this when coming up with your exercise regiment and the specific types of cardio that you are going to do twice a day or more. Upper body cardio, as the name suggests, focuses on the top half of your body. This includes things like heavy bag, row machine, speed bag, and shadow boxing. An upper body cardio workout might be appropriate when you have a lower body injury but still want to burn some calories. There is always a way around everything and you need to consider this when planning your workouts.

Lower body cardio is more common because things like running, stair climbing, cycling, and dancing focus mostly on your lower body. You really need to think of the impact that this kind of workout has, it generally causes much more strain on the body. You should probably not do two types of high impact cardio every day, especially if these are both intense sessions.

You might be wondering if you will get the same results for both lower body dominant and upper body dominant cardio? They both burn calories and therefore will both work towards weight loss. In terms of toning however, lower body exercise will help tone/slim your buttocks/legs – whereas upper body exercise will tone your arms. Doing a mixture of both these types of cardio are recommended although many of the exercises that has been mentioned previously works all areas of the body anyway. 

How Intense Should My Cardio Be?

Your cardio should be as intense as you want it to be. Only you know what you are capable of so stay true to yourself. The intensity you are working out at might be different from day to day and that is completely fine. For instance, you might wake up feeling ready to take on the world one day and this will make you want to workout harder than ever before. Another day, you might feel a little sluggish, or perhaps it’s your time of the month and you want to keep the intensity a little lower. Both are fine because at least you are making the effort to actually exercise and are still burning calories. The only thing you should be conscious of is that you should never get lazy in your workouts. If you start off working out quite intensely and this goes downhill over time, it is not a good thing. Your workouts should be getting MORE intense as you go on and as your stamina increases. You might not feel amazing while you are working out but you do feel amazing when it’s done and you know you gave it your everything. 

Should I Do Both Sessions At The Same Intensity?

It is completely up to you if you do both your cardio sessions at the same intensity. You might feel very motivated to work out hard at the start of the day, but in your evening workout you might prefer to do something a little less strenuous, or vice versa. 

Obviously the more intense you workout, the more fat you will burn. However, keep in mind that it doesn’t need to be a race so go at your own pace and enjoy the journey. We all have off days and it’s important that you do not put too much pressure on yourself on those days. 

So be sure to listen to your body and adjust your intensity according to what you can handle, while still pushing yourself, at least from time to time.

How Much Is Too Much Cardio?

You should always listen to your body and not work out to the point of exhaustion or injury. Always check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program. Cardiovascular exercise puts stress on your heart if it is done too much. More than 90 minutes of intense cardio exercise a day is not recommended so really keep that in mind. If you are working out and you feel pain or like you are going to vomit, you need to stop. 

While cardio can be a little uncomfortable at times, it should not cause you physical pain. Particularly if you are brand new to cardio exercise, keep it light at first and work your way up as you get into shape. 

How To Keep Motivated

Motivation is something that many of us struggle with in all areas of our lives. It’s important that you stay motivated when you are doing cardio, particularly if you want to squeeze two or more sessions in a day. Below are some tips for keeping motivated to keep going whenever you feel like giving up.

Make a workout schedule including what types of cardio you are going to do everyday and at roughly what times. The sense of accomplishment you will feel when you can mark these off will be immense.

Look at pictures of yourself when you were in the kind of shape you want to be in again (if you were in better shape before).

Get yourself some nice workout outfits. It sounds silly but you will much more likely to be motivated to work out if you have clothes that you feel comfortable and confident in.

Buy an outfit in your “dream size” and keep it somewhere that you can see it.

Keep track of your progress, this could involve weighing yourself and also taking measurements of your body on a regular basis. Don’t weigh yourself too often however, do it about once a week. In addition to keeping track this way, you can also take photos of your body to see how it changes over time.

You should be fuelling your body with good nutritious food and not eating junk between workouts. Fruits, vegetables and protein will naturally give your body everything it needs to get your cardio done well. Make sure that you are staying hydrated throughout the day also and these two habits alone could be enough to motivate you to exercise. 

What If I Don’t Have Time?

if you sit around waiting for the right time to get things done, it’s never going to come. When we’re waiting for the right time to get our finances in order, eat right, meet the right person or whatever it may be, it’s up to us to make the time.

Once you make the conscious decision that you will make time to get your cardio in, there’s always a way that you can find 15-20 minutes a couple of times a day. Maybe read one less trashy ranker list on Facebook, or hit the snooze button once instead of three times. the point is when you really want to do something you’ll find time.


I think you can see that there are so many benefits to getting at least two lots of cardio done every single day, although most people wouldn’t even think of it. Now that you have read this guide to cardio twice (or more) a day: how to do it and why you should be incorporating these healthy habits, you are ready to go. Follow the tips that have been mentioned and you are going to become healthier and happier. In addition to this, you will slim down the waistline (and the rest of your body) for a more confident you. Start today and the results will come quicker than you ever could have imagined.

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The 20/4 is sort of a hybrid between OMAD and 18/6 fasting protocols. The advantage over OMAD is that the longer eating window gives you a little added flexibility. This longer eating period allows you to consume a few more calories so it will have slightly slower results than OMAD, but is easier to adhere to daily and may keep you a little happier. Realistically, after a one large, complete meal, you can’t usually eat a whole lot more within the next 3 hours so overeating shouldn’t be much of an issue.

You will still be abstaining from food for 20 hours so your hormones will be in a favorable state, and you will still burn a ton of fat, clean out your digestive system, and enter a state of autophagy. Your results will be consistently better than they would be with a shorter fasting period. 

Intermittent Fasting: When Should I Do Cardio?

For most types of Intermittent Fasting (IF), the best approach is to do your cardio 1-2 hrs after breaking your fast. Provided that you don’t eat too much early on during your eating window. This will work for anyone doing 18/6 or 16/8. Simply break your fast with a healthy but light meal or snack, maybe 200-400 calories, then wait about an hour then do your cardio. This way you will have more energy to have a more intense cardio workout, and you’ll reduce muscle breakdown.

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